

On this entry, i am going to talk about hijab. Yeah you know what hijab is. I walked along Jalan Ampang and i saw many muslim women. Some were with hijab while some not. Some just cover up their hair, some cover up everything while some don't even cover at all. This is what i call variety.

I noticed many Malaysian Artist nowdays have started wearing hijab! They decided to cover their hair from the the society. This is a good sign! You know, when i see women with hijab, i felt like...umm...i dunno how to say this but i felt very BANGGA!  yupp bangga melihat mereka mereka yang tanpa segan silu memakai hijab walaupun kedang kala dicemuh dan dicaci manusia lain! Some of my friends also have berhijrah! Alhamdulilah

You see, i have a very positive mind. I always look on the bright side, sebab kalau tengok yang gelap konfem tak nampak punya HAHAHA...-.- k, tak lawak. i only take important things in my life that is why when you ask me "Hey, do you know when Sam(my bestfriend) is going to come back from his holiday?" i'll answer this "Huh? i dunno lah, ehh he went for a holiday ah??" yupp that's me. It's not like i don't care about my bestfriend, in fact, i cared so so so so much about my friends. i just don't like to show it. That's all. okay dah tersimpang jauh dari our main topic.

So about this hijab thingy, some of the society always said,
"elehh pakai tudung tapi tangan nampak buat apa?" 
The society judged the girl badly sebab dia tak tutup tangan. From my point of view, kenapa perlu kita memaki hamun seorang wanita yng cuba memakai tudung tetapi tangannya nampak tapi apabila kita lihat wanita yang tidak memakai tudung, kita tak cakap apa apa pun? This is what makes me curious. At least the women is trying to cover some of her aurat. Yes, women must cover up ALL her aurat but when she's trying, we should encourage her by advising her instead of mengutuk. right? Some said "memanglah, orang yang pakai tudung tu bawa imej islam, orang lain tengok kan malu islam" then the ones yang langsung tak try tu tak memalukan islam pulak? hmm i don't understand this kind of view.

or when the wearer had done something wrong,
"pakai tudung labuh tapi perangai macam apa je, baik tak yah pakai tudung"
i also don't understand this, kenapa perlu kita salahkan tudung? sedangkan si pemakainya yang buat salah? Am i right? We as a caring society should advice her. ini tak kita punya lah kutuk maki hamun dia. From my point of view, sekurang kurangnya dia dah terlepas dari dosa tidak menutup aurat. kita? tak pasal pasal dapat dosa besar sebab mengumpat "ko tau si Limah tudung labuh tu bla bla bla" right?

"pakai tudung tak semestinya baik -.-"
Yupp i totally agree with this, dan wanita yang tak pakai tudung tak semstinya jahat, malah ada yang lebih baik dari yang memakai tudung labuh. I have this kind of friend ahaks. But from my point of view, Allah suka orang yang ikut arahanNya dan Allah murka dengan orang yang tak ikut arahanNya betul tak? dan Orang yang baik pasti akan mengikut arahanNya


KT continues

we went to Taman Tamadun Islam. Dalam tu ada semua masjid terkemuka dunia. Ada dalam berpuluh. SO MANY! they're just replicas of the real masjid. The replica of course lah kecil je, you have to times 8 kalau nak tahu saiz sebenar, so actually the real size is hell big!

the pintu masuk.

Nak masuk kena ada passport ahaks passport tu macam ticket lah sebenarnya. If i'm not mistaken the fee is RM 20.00 for adults. Berbekalkan Red Baby Canon 1100D kami masuk dalam!

ada jual ice-cream susu kmbing!

train kena bayar!

So these are some, some okay, i tak sempat nak visit semua mosque, banyak sangat penat dah haha, some of  the replicas there. Just times 8 and you'll have the exact size. Ada yng boleh masuk dalam ada yang takde dalam pun, just kat luar. Enjoy <3

actually no camera allowed dalam ni, tpi terlalu chantek untuk tidak ditangkap! sorry 



Here are some pictures of my family members and me at Kuala Terengganu Beach! hoho Le Moments at le beach! enjoy <3

GIF Art is amazing! Baru belajar sbnrnya haha NOOB!


From left: My sista Hana, My Cousin Kak Ila, Me

me and my sista

Pak Ngah, My cousin Fadhilah, Mak Ngah

Woot! From left: Pak Ngah, and le cousins, Ashraf, Nadhirah, Najihah and me sista Hanissa

Le Sista Hana Iman-mcm tak tau guna camera jew ahaks

My Cousin Fadhilah and Pak Ngah

Me with my Red Baby Canon 1100D

From left: Le MAMA. Maksu Baby, Uncle Dayat

Le cousin Najihah with hole!

Le beach! cool!

My Sista Hanissa


Me throwing sands!

Le cousin Fadhilah and Kak Ila


So my family and i went to Kuala Terengganu(KT) last Saturday. Can you believe that my father who is 46 years old never been to Terengganu before? me too but still boleh consider lah kan i'm still young. so tak kesah lah.

We spent our night di Rumah Bank Negara. wuhuu Banglow in Kuala Terengganu!!. You see, my Pak Ngah is the Director General  something something lah at Bank Negara haha i dunno much. Yupp we slept there, and the most interesting part was the house  located next to the beach, Pantai Batu Buruk! Kuala Terengganu Beach! Dang it, i forgot to take some photos of the house.... who cares ahaks

okay the story goes like this, actually i tak nak pun pergi Terengganu ni. Because i will be the only boy among my cousins, adalah boy lain tapi semuanya like 7 years and below.. so you know what i mean.. i have to sleep in the sofa depan tv. It's been like that since forever kalau ada family trip. Yelah sebab i kan the only big boy the girls need privacy lah segala bagai so i akan merempat lah kat mana mana haha just think postive,think positive <3 but this trip actually not bad ;D i got to sleep with my beloved parents queen sized bed ohsem~ takde lah tido sofa kan?

Le me and little cousin Arief! ahaks he's such a cutie

Berbekalkan my Red Baby Canon 1100D, kami pergi Masjid Kristal (sangat cantek tpi kecik je sebenarnya), and many more,tpi macam terlalu banyak nak di-type so i just put some picture je lah k? Enjoy ahaks

My fav pic, thanks to my sista Hana Iman!




waaa i miss moi friends! they're like the BEST! Yesterday my Friends and i went to MidValley. Yupp we gathered together. sumpah ramai haha. Berbekalkan my Red Baby Canon 1100D kami bersuka ria!

Ada (boys)
Yours truly(of course), Hazmi, Ali, Aiman, Amirul (Bunyuk), Zainor, Abid, Eizaaz, Mustakim, Atif, Fakhrul (Paol), Amar, Ikhwan (Aki), Fairuz, Luqman (Leladele)
Khairiyah, Hanna, Aliah(Leeya), Huda, Amirah(Didie), Aziemah(Jim), Putri, Afiqah, Qistina(Qis), Amirah(Rock), Sarah, Anisa

Just imagine bila kami berkumpul macam nak bergaduh haha. Dengan gelak tawa riang gembiranya yng sangat kuat. Semua pandang. Hasil gabungan manusia manusia yang gila gila sememangnya meletop! ohsem habes!

I just realize i really love my friends. Baru seminggu tak jumpa dah macam "Whatahell happened to you!" "Hows life?" "Dah ada lesen???" "Kerja mana" "ish dah tinggi kau".
 Bila jumpa terjerit jerit, terpeluk peluk...umm..maybe just the gurls and the guys just oh-bro-lama-tak-jumpa-the-kind-of-thing ahaks *bajet macho je*

The Masterminds (Ali and Leeya) kata datang pukul 10.30. I pun datang lah terkedek kedek ingat kan dah lambat but when i arrived there baru lah ada beberapa kerat.. ahaks typical malay promise kan!? dua dua mastermind batang hidung pun takde lagi haha.

So the first thing semua girls je yang datang jadi kami beli ticket wayang cerita Wreck it Ralph! Then the boys decided to play bowling, jadi mainlah boling haha yang lawaknya, my group punya lane takde longkang so memang takkan dpt kosong lah kan. Hanna yang jarang main bowling tiba tiba dpt STRIKE!

After solat makan and stuff, we decided to play Galactic Laser. Game dia senang je, dia adalah war game. Jadi kami divide into 2 groups satu team merah, satu team hijau. Setiap org ada pakai this jacket that glows in the dark ikut warna your team. Me? i am in the Red Team. my name is Maximus! then, kami masuk dalam satu tempat gelap pastu berperang lah! haha senangkan? Don't worry you won't feel pain at all. Ni sama macam paintball tpi tak sakit punya version. Fee? RM25 per person for 15 minutes if i'm not mistaken. Walaupun sekejap tapi dalam tu rasa lama sangat dan korang akan BERPELUH gila.



And the result? Le RED TEAM wins! woohoo



Yesterday, i watched Perks Of Being A Wallflower. One Word...AWESOME! i was speechless. Can you guys believe it?
Actually the movie was based on a story book, so, i'm guessing the book must be more than awesome!
the movie was was about a guy named Charlie (Logan Wade Lerman). I won't put the synopsis here because i want you guys to watch it!

 From my point of view:
It's PG13 but i think they should put it as PG16 . Teenagers should watch it. After you've watch it you'll understand what i'm trying to say. Yes some of you said that the movie was not a good movie because it had some scenes that was not supposed to be watched by kids, the moral value in the movie also was not good. From my point of view, it actually shows real teenage problems now days. In the movie, Charlie's best friend killed himself several months before. He does not feel that he can lean on his parents or older sibling for support, because they never truly understood him.

You see, this boy Charlie has mental issue. When his clique left him, he wants to kill himself. Watching him like that made me realize how fortunate i am to become a muslim. We as muslims have Allah as our guide. Whenever we're in distress we can ask Allah for help. When i was in Sekolah Menengah Sains Rembau (SEMESRA), Allah is my best friend now and always, i would tell Him all my problems and i felt better because i know He is listening <3 That is why faith is important for us. Allah know what's better for us. i always remind myself:
Every Cloud Have A Silver Linings.
 As for this Charlie, he don't have a strong faith, even he is a christian, he did not put Jesus as his best friend. He just keep the problems himself. That is why when he can't bear the problems anymore, he decided to kill himself.